Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Roma Elders appointed...mission begins...

Last Sunday I spotted this beautiful rainbow as I was going out in my car to bring some Roma people into the service.  From where I was standing, outside one Roma family home, the rainbow seemed to be throwing a blessing over the whole Bury Park area of Luton.  This is where we meet both in church, and on the streets, and in some of the homes.

A little later, in the service, we commissioned our new Roma elders team.  This is a big step forward as the leadership is more widely shared and the Roma guys are picking up responsibilities with great passion.

Today we begin the mission.  "Mission" means only only one thing for the Roma: taking the Gospel into family homes.  At the service we asked who wanted a visit.  As Jesus taught, we seek out the 'people of peace', those open to the Spirit, and join in with what God is doing.

Watch this space...

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful mission , I'd love to get involved !
