Sunday, 17 March 2013

Blessings & Trials

 Thanks to a grant from our Diocese we now have great new sound kit incorporating the original Roma sounds from E.Europe in a Korg keyboard.

The Roma pastors, evangelists and musicians continue to stream our way for Wednesday worship.

"I have learnt the secret of contentment in all circumstances!"  The joy overflows in inverse proportion to the degree of poverty.

Eleven of our Roma guys and a family came with me to Turvey Abbey for two days of bible teaching from Pastor Alex.  Two utterly different worlds meeting and trying to understand each other:  RC monks and Roma Pentecostals.  Vive la difference!

Bobby and Ana marrying at Christchurch as a fifth refusal for a National Insurance Number drops on the mat and their Luton born triplets approach their first birthday.   

"All I am I give to you and all I have I share with you!" "So me som, me dau le tuke, hai so si ma, me ashau tusa!"
We gear up for a night of prayer... see below.
Pass the word on! 
Aven Romale Aven! 




Christchurch, Bushmead, Luton LU2 7SF

29 Martie 

Parashtune / Vineri Seara
20.00  (-  4.00)